Customer Service Partner of the Year 2021

Customer Service Partner of the Year 2021

Surprisingly, we are delighted to receive our first award as a censhare partner with the Customer Service Partner of the Year 2021 award!

Censhare comments as follows:

Savotex GmbH, based in Düsseldorf, is an IT service provider that helps its customers process ever-increasing amounts of data while ensuring consistent communication. As a current censhare Gold Partner, Savotex supports its customers in meeting the highest standards through software development, IT services and solution consulting. The company places the highest value on adherence to established IT compliance standards, comprehensive documentation and accessible user training. 
Savotex was awarded Partner of the Year in Customer Service for its exceptionally strong customer service and for providing managed services on the censhare platform to key customers in the region, including Allianz and AOK.

Weitere Nachrichten von savotex

Weiße Computertastatur mit drei blauen Tasten, die Symbole für Barrierefreiheit zeigen: Rollstuhl, Hörgerät und Blindenstock. Im oberen rechten Bereich das Logo von SAVOTEX mit dem Slogan „rethink digitalization“
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How to censhare III:
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Matthias KlautkeManagement und Consulting
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