Happy Birthday Savotex

Happy Birthday Savotex

Date of birth: 1st of July 2019

87219 - this is the commercial register number under which Savotex GmbH will operate in Düsseldorf in the future. We offer our customers and partners first-class IT services - from the planning and management of their IT infrastructure to the design and development of customized software solutions.

The two newly appointed managing directors Moritz Speckamp and Matthias Klautke have been working together as partners for many years at a highly professional level. Their areas of expertise and focus complement each other seamlessly - which is one of the reasons why they now form the dual leadership of Savotex. We look forward to the coming weeks, months and years!

Weitere Nachrichten von savotex

Information technology studies 2025
Start a dual study program with us and the FOM!
How to censhare III:
Just ask ChatGPT - directly on your dashboard.
🍾 Happy Birthday to us!
savotex celebrates its 5th anniversary!
Stay safe with us.
We are ISO 27001 certified.
How to censhare II:
Removing communication barriers through translations.
How to censhare:
Analyze images automatically with AI
Matthias KlautkeManagement und Consulting
Get in touch with us!