How to censhare:
Screenshot eines Video-Tutorials mit dem Titel 'Bildanalyse mit KI' und einer Play-Schaltfläche – symbolisiert die Nutzung von KI für Bildanalyse.

How to censhare:

Analyze images automatically with AI

In our new series "How to censhare", we'll use practical examples to show you how you can use your censhare system better for your daily tasks and challenges.

In this video, Matthias shows you how easy it is to automatically analyze images with our AI modules. The result:

  • Automatic assignment of a picture name
  • Detailed description of the image
  • Key wording with respective relevance information
  • Generation of SEO and ALT texts (accessibility)

Do you have an international presence and your colleagues speak different languages? No problem. All texts can be automatically translated so that every user can search for images and read descriptions in their native language.

Do you have any questions or would you like to find out more about our modules? We look forward to hearing from you!

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Screenshot eines Video-Tutorials mit dem Titel 'Wie KI direkt im Artikel-Text-Editor unterstützen kann' und einer Play-Schaltfläche – symbolisiert praktische KI-Unterstützung.
How to censhare IV:
How AI can help in the article text editor.
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Screenshot eines Video-Tutorials mit dem Titel 'Frag doch einfach ChatGPT – direkt im Dashboard' und einer Play-Schaltfläche – symbolisiert einfache KI-Integration.
How to censhare III:
Just ask ChatGPT - directly on your dashboard.
Matthias KlautkeManagement und Consulting
Get in touch with us!