Customer Case Kienast
Darstellung des Onlineshops von Kienast mit Sneakern mit Fokus auf die Produktbeschreibungen, entwickelt in Zusammenarbeit mit Savotex und Retresco  – symbolisiert innovative digitale Lösungen.

Customer Case Kienast

Scalable content creation with AI

The Kienast Group is one of the three leading shoe retailers in Germany with around 450 stores.


As a traditional company, Kienast attaches particular importance to progress and continuous development. The leading shoe retailer has therefore set itself the goal of further strengthening and expanding its market position with the kilagoo e-commerce platform, which was established in 2023.

Before launching the online store, one of the challenges Kienast faced was that only a fraction of its products had description texts for the store. Due to the tight schedule up to the launch date, the manual creation of product texts would not have been possible in terms of time and effort.


  • Creation of target group-specific product texts based on the existing product information.

  • Optimize the efficiency of internal processes by using artificial intelligence from the German provider Retresco.

  • Workflow-controlled transfer and return of the generated article texts to censhare and provision for the kilagoo e-commerce platform.

  • Ensuring the quality and relevance of the content provided.


Development and implementation of a customized connector between the German AI provider Retresco and the omnichannel content platform censhare. The connector enables the fully automated creation of texts and a bidirectional exchange between the two.

With the connector, Kienast is able to analyze product data in real time and automatically transform it into high-converting product descriptions.


  • At launch, more than 10,000 products were provided with relevant descriptions.

  • The automated generation of product descriptions and transfer to censhare is seamlessly organized.

  • Optimized workflow for product creation, enrichment and publication of all relevant product descriptions.

  • This means that thousands of product descriptions can be generated simply and effectively at the touch of a button - and updated on request.

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Matthias KlautkeManagement und Consulting
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