The Cologne-based Rudolf Müller Mediengruppe is one of the leading providers of expert information and solutions in the fields of planning, construction, real estate and retail.
Censhare was introduced in 2008 as a central system for the editorial content creation, control and management. Due to a heterogeneous system landscape and the different business units of the Rudolf Müller Media Group, the necessary information was distributed across various systems and had to be compiled for content creation with a great deal of manual effort.
Due to the increasing use of digital media by the audience, the need to provide content faster and through more channels is essential to meet the needs of the target groups. In 2018, Rudolf Müller decided to establish censhare as the leading content management system with an XML-first approach and to supply the brand platforms with content.
By merging the business units and third-party systems, all product information is now maintained and managed centrally via censhare. For the first time, editors can call up information and content from various systems, such as ERP, CRM and ad scheduling, centrally in censhare and combine it with other editorial content. The necessary workflows and approvals are mapped directly in censhare.
The result is media-neutral content creation, which has allowed the content to be provided in the various target channels. The technical output is based on XML, which means that not only traditional channels but also various digital brand platforms can be served. This also includes the web store, which has generated further synergies. Thanks to the innovative interface concept, business customer processes can be mapped directly in a special portal solution via Censhare.