The future of e-commerce: artificial intelligence

The future of e-commerce: artificial intelligence

Instead of just talking about the possibilities of artificial intelligence, we simply did it. 

In the field of digital asset management with censhare, we are proud of the first two productive rollouts that allow product information to be analyzed in real time and transformed into performance-optimized product descriptions.
The two modules use OpenAI (better known through ChatGPT) and Retresco (German provider) and are implemented natively with corresponding approval processes directly in censhare. Our customers benefit from the newly implemented AI on several levels:

  • Automatically generated web, product, SEO and offline texts based on keyword-like product information, whether for 50 or 500,000 products

  • Shorter time-to-market thanks to automated generation of product texts in real time and therefore significantly faster delivery to the relevant marketplaces

  • Customer experience tailored to the target groups through precise and individual approaches at the POS, also possible in multiple languages

  • Increased conversion rate thanks to detailed product descriptions that provide customers with crucial guidance in the purchasing process

  • Greater reach and therefore more leads thanks to varied and targeted SEO and SEA texts

Accordingly, our customer Kienast was able to use Retresco AI to generate relevant product texts for e-commerce sales for over 8,500 existing products without descriptions in a very short time. For VBS Hobby, we were able to significantly increase the existing product text quality with the help of ChatGPT and generate thousands of new product texts at the touch of a button.

And this is just the beginning - we are already working on the implementation of AI-generated collections of ideas, meeting reports, research work, briefings, keywording, summaries and more.

Are you interested? We would be happy to advise you on the sensible use of artificial intelligence. We look forward to your inquiry

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Matthias KlautkeManagement und Consulting
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